More Intimate, NasDem Party Signals Coalition With Golkar Party To Face 2024 Election

JAKARTA - The NasDem Party has signaled that it will form a coalition with the Golkar Party to face the 2024 General Election. NasDem politician Saan Mustopa said that the closeness of the party created by Surya Paloh with the party chaired by Airlangga Hartarto was further established after the meeting as an exploratory step towards simultaneous elections.

Saan confirmed that there is more intense communication between NasDem and Golkar at this time. The communication carried out also leads to the 2024 election contestation

"NasDem is indeed conducting intensive communication today with Golkar to prepare them for the 2024 General Election," Saan told reporters, Wednesday, March 16.

In addition to exploring the 2024 coalition, the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR said that the two communications were also directed at completing programs from President Joko Widodo.

According to him, as political parties supporting the government, NasDem and Golkar are in line with the success of Jokowi's leadership.

"NasDem as a coalition party in the government is certainly committed to guarding Joko Widodo until the end of his term of office," said Saan.

Previously, NasDem Party Chairman Surya Paloh held a meeting with Golkar Party Chair Airlangga Hartarto at NasDem Tower, Gondangdia, Central Jakarta, Thursday, March 10.

The closed meeting discussed a number of topics ranging from the national economy to national politics. However, both of them compactly said that today's meeting was just a gathering.

"Today's DPP NasDem arrival of guests as well as friends of the Golkar Party is certainly a friendly visit that gives special meaning to the desire of the two political parties to build synergy which must be further strengthened," said Surya Paloh at a press conference.

Surya Paloh revealed, many things were discussed. The two political parties, he said, have the same agreement that policies must place the national interest.

"We strive wholeheartedly with optimal work output under Jokowi's leadership, which will continue to run effectively until the end of his term," Surya explained.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, said that the meeting which lasted almost 3 hours was very friendly. Airlangga even referred to himself as Surya Paloh's junior.

"Of course the meeting was very proud and the relationship was very deep because Surya Paloh is one of the teachers in the Golkar party, I reminded him earlier, he has been in the Golkar party longer than in the NasDem party. and NasDem are all in line. If something is not in line, we are primarily together," said Airlangga.