Bareskrim Dismantles Cross-border Fraud Syndicate, 22 Suspects Are Chinese Citizens

JAKARTA - The Directorate of General Crimes (Dittipidum) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police has revealed a case of cross-border fraud involving foreign nationals (WNA). In total, 26 people were named as suspects.

"The Dittipidum of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police yesterday (Monday) succeeded in arresting 26 perpetrators of transnational fraud," said Director of General Crimes at the National Police's Criminal Investigation Department, Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi, to reporters, Tuesday, March 15.

Of the dozens of suspects, 22 of them are foreigners from China and 4 from Taiwan. They were arrested at different locations.

"From the results of the investigation carried out yesterday, it started with 1 house at the address cluster melody 5 No 19 PIK, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. At the TKP, the pidum team managed to secure 6 suspects," said Andi.

"Then it developed again at the 2nd TKP, namely in the harmony housing 5 PIK 2, we managed to secure 1 person. Then it developed again to TKP 3, namely at Jalan Pluit Utara Raya Number 36, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, 4 people were successfully arrested again and the Finally, it was developed into the Citra Grand Housing area in the Nusa 2 area, Block D2 No. 10, RT 02 RW 11, Jatikarya, Bekasi City. From TKP 4, 15 people were arrested, "he continued.

In this case, the mode used by the suspect was by telephone. Where, the victims were foreigners from China, which reached 350 people.

"They pretended to be an operating center, then they were tasked with finding cellphone numbers and identifying potential victims, then contacting either through cellular networks or WA, claiming to be Chinese police and spreading false news," Andi said.

"Then the victim was related to a case with the Chinese police. Then he was asked to contact the Chinese police with a certain telephone number that had been assigned by them, as if they were using it as a call center," he continued.

With dozens of suspects arrested, investigators will coordinate with the Immigration Office. Because, most likely they will be deported.

"Therefore, considering the possible obstacles that investigators will face, then we are working with friends at Immigration. Meanwhile, we are delegating it to immigration for further handling at immigration," said Andi.