Rumah Zakat Targets To Help 1.5 Million Beneficiaries From Aceh To Papua In The Month Of Ramadan

JAKARTA - Rumah Zakat launched the "Ramadan this year #Time to GrowTogether", with the target of helping and empowering 1.5 million beneficiaries from Aceh to Papua, especially those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, this Ramadan, Rumah Zakat invites donors, both individuals, communities, and corporations to collaborate to accelerate the empowerment process in Indonesia.

"Today we signed the MoU #saatnyaTumbuhBersama with several partners, including AirAsia Indonesia, Flip, Shipper, CARInih, and MTUA Industrial Engineering. We hope that the collaboration between Rumah Zakat and partners can accelerate the economic recovery of the beneficiaries, especially those who affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully this effort can also further advance the business of partners, so that our goal of growing together can be realized," said Nur Efendi at the Press Conference "This year's Ramadan #Time to Grow Together", Tuesday, March 15.

In 2021, together with donors and partners, Rumah Zakat empowers 5 million beneficiaries. As many as 15 percent of the beneficiaries of the Rumah Zakat economic program, get out of the poverty line, and experience an increase in welfare. This year, Rumah Zakat targets 20 percent of beneficiaries to get out of the poverty line

Meanwhile, in the month of Ramadan, there are six special programs offered this year, among others, Breaking Fasting, Eid Orphans Gifts, Family Eid Gifts, Syiar Qur'an, Debt Free Ramadan, and Braile Quran Waqf. Meanwhile, the distribution will be carried out in 1,695 Empowered Villages under the guidance of Rumah Zakat in 33 provinces.

To provide easy sharing every day in the month of Ramadan, Rumah Zakat launches and 2.0. itself is a platform for giving donations that has been around since 2019, and has more than 200,000 users who routinely donate every day. Meanwhile, has been launched since early 2021, as a platform for productive waqf donations. and 2.0 have advantages in terms of mobile friendly design, and transparency of reports for donors. Periodically, Rumah Zakat also releases reports on the distribution of infaq and waqf funds collected on each platform.

"The purpose of and development is to make sharing a lifestyle for Muslims. Especially for, through this platform Rumah Zakat wants to provide education regarding the virtues of productive waqf to the community," said Nur Efendi.