PKB Still Serious About Delayed 2024 Election, Cak Imin Whispers 'Secret' About Meeting

JAKARTA - PKB General Chair Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar confirmed that he would still propose a postponement of the 2024 election. According to him, PKB has not changed its stance on the proposal. March.

Cak Imin, as he is known, said that PKB also obeys the constitution in line with what President Joko Widodo has said. He claimed that the proposal was still within the corridors of the constitution. "Yes, we also obey the constitution, so the proposal is within the corridor of the constitution," he claimed.

Questioning the next steps regarding the proposed postponement of the election, Cak Imin admitted that he was still waiting for the general chairmen of political parties. According to him, the decision to postpone is not final and lobbying can still be done.

"We are still waiting for the ketum-ketum. Of course (lobby, ed)," he said.

It's just that Cak Imin is reluctant to reveal the agenda for the meeting. He revealed that it was a secret.

"Secrets. If you meet, just talk," he said. Including the question of who PKB will meet to sit down with to discuss the election.

"Yes, secrets," he said.