4.3 Tons Of Cooking Oil Stock In Belitung, How Is It Distributed So That People Don't Get Confused For Hours In Line?

BELITUNG - The Department of Cooperatives, SMEs, Trade and Manpower (DKUKMPTK) Belitung Regency, Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands, noted that the remaining 4.3 tons of cooking oil at the regional distributor level remained.

Head of the Trade Business Division of the Belitung DKUKMPTK, Rita Yuliani, said that the cooking oil stock was ensured to be sufficient to meet the needs of the community ahead of the holy month of Ramadan 1443 Hijriah.

"We make sure the stock is sufficient to meet the community ahead of the holy month of Ramadan 1443 Hijri," he said, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 14.

According to him, the initial stock of cooking oil at the local distributor level reached 6.4 tons, then the distributor procured 150 tons and distributed 152.1 tons.

"So that the final stock of cooking oil remaining at the distributor level is currently 4.3 tons," he said.

He asked people in the area not to panic buying or buying in excessive quantities and stockpiling cooking oil which could harm many people. Hoarding is a violation activity.

"We ask the public not to worry that the stock is still available. In the near future, it will be conveyed that a supply of cooking oil belonging to one of the distributors will arrive," he said.

In addition, his party also routinely monitors cooking oil stocks at a number of distributors, mini markets and traders.

Currently, the price of packaged cooking oil for the Fortune brand is IDR 13,500 per liter and the price for cooking oil for the Bimoli brand is IDR 14,000 per liter.

"We carry out routine supervision to monitor the availability of cooking oil stocks, especially before the holy month of Ramadan 1443 Hijriah," he said.