Lifting The Regional Economy, PLN Assisted MSMEs Are Ready To Celebrate The Mandalika MotoGP Event

JAKARTA - Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) fostered by PLN will participate in the MotoGP event which will be held March 18-20 2022 in the Mandalika area, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

PLN's Executive Vice President of Corporate Communications and CSR, Agung Murdifi said, through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program PLN Peduli encouraged MSMEs to welcome the 2022 MotoGP again after being successful at the 2021 World Super Bike (WSBK) event. According to him, the participation of MSMEs under the guidance of PLN Peduli in MotoGP 2022, it can boost the regional economy.

"PLN Peduli continues to strive to be present to develop MSMEs through coaching business skills, governance, to marketing. With this guidance, our MSMEs are very ready to enliven the big event in Mandalika," said Agung in a written statement received by VOI, Monday, March 14.

Several MSMEs assisted by PLN Peduli such as salted egg MSMEs from the Lumbung Kreatif group in Gunungsari West Lombok, as well as MSMEs Red Ginger from the Prosperous Farmers group in West Lombok claimed to be ready to enliven the world's best motorcycle racing competition.

The Chair of the Prosperous Farmers Group, Safwan, said that his experience of participating at the 2021 WSBK event greatly boosted the marketing of red ginger products which were produced directly by his group.

"An international event like the WSBK yesterday is an event that really helps promote our products. The market goal is also national and we can even promote it to foreign visitors who come," he said.

Safwan also added that the challenge that must be answered is about preparing competitive products, both in terms of appearance, relevant prices, attractive promotions and of course the quality of the product itself.

"So far, we have been fostered through PLN Peduli to prepare for such things. Starting from the product, product quality, required permits and also on the marketing side. We are ready to enliven the event that takes place in Mandalika," he added.

Similarly, the Chair of the Dewi Suci Suci Wulandari Barn Creative Group, the 2022 MotoGP event is a very big opportunity for MSMEs to be able to advance to class. This spurred the group to produce products that could be accepted by the market through the preparation of the number of product capacities, quality of packaging, and most importantly, continuous product promotions.

"We can't miss this opportunity. Our group has also established communication with the relevant agencies about the preparations that we must prepare. Of course, it is also supported by PLN Peduli. Our group must also be independent," said Dewi.