New Halal Certificate Logo Published Not Made By MUI, Felix Siauw Sprays Out Using Kadrun Label

JAKARTA - Lecturer Felix Siauw strongly criticized the latest halal logo issued by the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) through the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH).

"Everything that is different from the Indonesian HALAL logo is intolerant! How dare they be different from the Indonesian HALAL logo!" said Felix Siauw in his Instagram account.

In his upload, Felix Siauw shows various halal logos in a number of Southeast Asian countries published by related agencies.

The halal logos shown come from Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore to countries where the majority of the population does not embrace Islam, such as Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Myanmar.

Of all the halal logos from neighboring countries highlight Arabic letters. According to Felix Siauw, this does not mean that these countries show too much Arab culture. He also quipped by accusing the country of having been infiltrated by many "kadrun".

"From the HALAL script, it also reflects that they are very Arabic, do not respect local wisdom and culture, you know, there must be a lot of kadrun there," he said.

"It also means that these countries are very radical, because they don't want to use Pancasila as the basis of their country!" he continued.

Previously, the issue of halal certification and apparently became the authority of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). But now the responsibility belongs to BPJPH.

One of the most recent performances of BPJPH is establishing and inaugurating the latest halal logo. The determination of the halal label is enshrined in the Decree of the Head of BPJPH Number 40 of 2022 concerning the Determination of the Halal Label and signed by the Head of BPJPH Muhammad Aqil Irham ratified on February 10, 2022.

Secretary of BPJPH Muhammad Arfi Hatim explained, the latest halal label from BPJPH has been in effect since March 1, 2022 nationwide. The inclusion of this label is an identifier of products circulating in the community, which are guaranteed to be halal and have obtained halal certificates.

"This Indonesian Halal label must then be included on the product packaging, certain parts of the product, and/or certain places on the product." said Arfi in a written statement, Saturday, March 12.

In addition, the halal logo is printed on the product to ensure that all production aspects of non-halal products are avoided. Arfi asked the product owner to continue to renew the halal certificate if the validity period had expired.

"Renew the halal certificate if the validity period of the halal certificate expires, and report changes in the composition of materials to BPJPH," he said.