6 Easy Tips To Save Internet Quota When Using Zoom!

JAKARTA - When the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, office workers and students are required to work and study from home, aka Work From Home (WFH). To anticipate online meetings or learning, they usually use the Zoom application.

When using Zoom, of course, you need a fast internet or an adequate internet quota. Here are tips or how to save internet quota when using the Zoom application that VOI summarizes from the Cornell.edu site, Monday, September 21:

1. Turn off the camera or webcam

When you are in the middle of a meeting where you are not required to meet face to face, then you should turn off the camera in the Zoom application. Turning off the camera is the easiest way to reduce the amount of data entering and leaving your computer or gadget.

However, you can also turn it back on when needed. You just have to click the Zoom panel icon in the top left corner. Click Preferences then it will enter the Settings page, then select Video and activate the camera.

2. Turn off the Audio

You can also reduce the bandwidth load a little by turning off the audio when not speaking. Use the Mute button in the lower left corner of the Zoom screen to mute and mute your audio.

Apart from that, you may also consider using phone calls to connect to Zoom meeting audio instead of using computer audio in the meeting.

Typically, the phone number to connect to the Zoom session will be included in the invitation you receive under the heading "Dial by your location."

3. Turn off HD Video

As is well known, videos in HD format certainly eat up a lot of internet quota, even though the images displayed are pretty neat. Unfortunately, this is not the right way to save on your internet quota.

Try to check first, whether you are using HD video quality before you send pictures or videos to your meeting friends. If so, you can turn it off right away.

How, you can open the settings and click on the video on the left menu. Then in my videos section, uncheck next to enable HD.

4. Use the Cloud Recording Option

The moderator in the meeting can choose to use the Zoom cloud recording option in the live application. This not only saves internet quota, but also makes it easier for moderators not to upload services from computers.

5. Don't Operate Other Applications

By running other applications, you will not hesitate to drain your internet quota. Not only that, the Zoom application will also have poor performance when you operate other applications.

For that, you can turn off unnecessary applications when using Zoom on your cellphone or other device.

6. Share Screen If Needed

Usually there are many users who forget to turn off their screen sharing when they are finished explaining. Even though it looks like it doesn't really matter, it can eat up your bandwidth. For that, you can tell your friend or the user to turn off screen sharing immediately.

Finally, you can use collaborative documents online instead of sharing the screen. Like Box Notes, Office Online Docs, and Google Apps that allow many people to open and edit files at once. It can use less data than streaming video.