Number Of COVID-19 Patients Who Died In Lebak Banten Increases To 222 People

BANTEN - Residents of Lebak Regency, Banten, who died from COVID-19 increased by two people in the past week, bringing the total to 222 people from the previous 220. "All of these patients died while being treated by medical personnel," said a spokesman for the Task Force for the Acceleration of Handling. COVID-19 Lebak Regency dr Firman Rahmatullah in Lebak, Sunday, March 13. The COVID-19 patient who died was treated at the Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Hospital, Lebak Regency. The two residents who died were buried in their hometown following the protocol for handling the bodies of COVID-19 patients. 19. So far, he said, the funeral of a COVID-19 patient has gone smoothly and there has been no resistance from residents. "We appreciate that the funeral of a COVID-19 patient has gone smoothly," said Firman.

Meanwhile, Public Relations of the Adjidarmo Rangkasbitung Hospital, Lebak Regency, Dr. Jauhari Assukri, said that as of the last two months the number of COVID-19 patients was around 44 people, but eight people were reported to have died. "All the COVID-19 patients were buried in their hometowns," he said. As of Sunday, 13,714 people confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Lebak Regency, 13,098 people were declared cured, 394 people were isolated or treated and 222 people died.