Muhammadiyah Asks Discussions On The Work Creation Bill Until The Regional Head Elections Are Postponed During The COVID-19 Pandemic

JAKARTA - The Muhammadiyah Central Leadership has asked the government and DPR RI to set aside activities outside of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the discussion of the Work Creation Bill and the Simultaneous Regional Election 2020.

Chairman of PP Muhammadiyah Haedar Nashir said the request for postponement was due to his view that the government's performance in dealing with COVID-19 was not optimal.

"The work and performance of the government need to be improved and improved, especially in relation to coordination between agencies and public communication. The lack of coordination and communication has caused political uproar which is trivial and counterproductive," said Haedar in a written statement, Monday, September 21.

Haedar said, his party asked the government and the DPR to postpone the discussion of the Job Creation Bill on the grounds that it was to prevent upheaval in the community.

After all, according to him, the DPR should focus on implementing its supervisory function so that the use of funds for handling the COVID-19 pandemic is used properly, and the benefits will be felt directly by the community.

"It is time for DPR members and other political elites to show responsibility and noble political morale in handling Covid-19 and solving urgent and emergency national problems," said Haedar.

Regarding the request that the 2020 Pilkada be postponed, Haedar asked the KPU to accommodate this proposal and immediately discuss it specifically by the government and the DPR.

"For safety in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as ensuring quality implementation, the KPU should carefully consider the implementation of the 2020 Regional Head General Election to be postponed until conditions allow," said Haedar.

"Public safety is far more important than the implementation of the Regional Head Election which has the potential to become a cluster of COVID-19 transmission," he continued.

In addition, Haedar also appealed to all people to be more disciplined in adhering to health protocols, and to build a culture of healthy living in personal life, family, community, places of worship, work agencies, and so on.