Central Kalimantan Will Have Shrimp Estate, Governor Expect To Become A National Model And To Restore Economy
JAKARTA - The plan to develop a vaname shrimp pond area or shrimp estate is one of the efforts to restore the economy of the Central Kalimantan provincial government. In fact, the provincial government of Central Kalimantan hopes that the shrimp estate can become a national model.
"This development is an effort to recover as well as improve the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic," said Central Kalimantan Governor Sugianto Sabran, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, March 13.
Shrimp estate development is carried out sustainably in a number of districts. The location of the first stage is in Sei Raja Village, Jelai District, Sukamara, then in 2023 it will be built in Seruyan and East Kotawaringin Regencies, and 2024 in West Kotawaringin and Pulang Pisau.
Shrimp estate development is in line with marine and fishery potential in Central Kalimantan. It is noted that Central Kalimantan has a coastline of about 703.91 km and a sea potential of 94,500 km² located in seven coastal districts that are directly opposite the Java Sea.
Moreover, geographically, the Central Kalimantan region also coincides with the new National Capital City (IKN), namely the Archipelago in East Kalimantan. These various conditions should be utilized optimally by the regional government to be developed.
"In developing the idea of the potential of natural resource wealth, it must depart from a sincere nawaitu, namely for the welfare of the people," he said.
The choice of Sukamara as the location for the first stage of shrimp estate is not without reason. The area already has an existing pond of 832 ha and with a shrimp estate planning location reaching 1,999 ha.
The development of the first phase of shrimp estate covering an area of 40.17 ha which the provincial government wants to develop can be integrated with tourism and the fishing industry with complete facilities built including hatchery, cold storage, feed factory, safety laboratory, and feed nutrition laboratory.
"This development has an impact on the growth of vaname shrimp farming business actors in Central Kalimantan, thereby encouraging regional economic growth, employment, and increasing Regional Original Income (PAD)," he explained.
The provincial government builds a shrimp estate integrated with the fishing industry, so that all management needs are completed in one area. After that, it was developed into an educational tourism area.
"Indirectly we are building a learning center for shrimp estate management in Central Kalimantan. I believe this will become a national model," he said.
Central Kalimantan in 2022 through the APBD disbursed funds to build a shrimp estate for the first phase of around IDR 85 billion, in addition to building a 4 km Medium Voltage Main Line (SUTM) electricity network.
In addition, the electricity network in the pond area is collaborating with PLN, and to support the shrimp estate, the provincial government will also increase the Sukamara-Lunci-Jelai road for around IDR 80 billion.
"Insha Allah, construction will start in April 2022, currently the technical team is making preparations in the field," he said.
Because the shrimp estate will be developed into an integrated tourism and industrial area from upstream to downstream, all aspects of primary and secondary support must be considered carefully.
Sugianto believes that the shrimp estate will not only be an economic leverage, but will also become a new source of economic strength for the coastal areas of Central Kalimantan, starting from Sukamara, as well as being a trigger for other regions.