Police Secure 7 People Related To The Rotating Rape Case Of A Student In Makassar

JAKARTA - The police have arrested 7 people regarding reports of rotating rape of women in Makassar. The seven people were examined intensively.

“7 people have already been secured. An investigation is being carried out, ”said Kapolsek Panakkukang, Makassar, Commissioner Jamal Fakhtur Rahman, confirmed by VOI, Monday, September 21.

One person who was arrested was a woman, a friend of the victim who claimed to have been raped in turn on Sunday, September 20, night. The victim reported this incident to the police.

In his report, the victim admitted to being invited to stay at the hotel with his friend. In a drunken state after leaving the nightclub, the victim realized that he had received sexual violence in the hotel room.

The victim suspects that 7 men raped her. The victim saw several men running from the room when he woke up.