Received Six Awards, Food Station Thanking Anies Baswedan

JAKARTA - PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya won six awards at the 2020 BUMD Marketeers Awards held by the research institute Mark Plus Inc. The award was received by the Managing Director of Food Station Arief Prasetyo Adi along with the Director of Finance and General Thomas Hadinata and Operations Director Frans M Tambunan, last weekend virtually.

The six awards won by PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya include: BUMD Jakarta Marketeers Award 2020 (Best of The Best BUMD), CMO OF THE YEAR 2020 BUMD, The Most Promising Company in Strategic Marketing (GOLD), The Most Promising Company in Tactical (GOLD), The Most Promising Company in Marketing 3.0 (SILVER), and The Most Promising Company in Branding Campaign (SILVER).

President Director of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, Arief Prasetyo Adi, said the BUMD Marketeers Awards 2020 award is an appreciation for Food Station which works to serve the community in meeting food needs, especially in the Jakarta area.

He added that this award is also a form of appreciation to Food Station partners who have worked together to provide food supplies for DKI Jakarta, as well as all Food Station employees who have tried to provide the best for the company.

"This is the result of the extraordinary hard work of the entire team. This award can be achieved because of the contribution of each work unit in the company. In addition, the support and direction from DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan who always motivates DKI BUMD to always be present provides benefits to Jakarta residents, "said Arief in a statement received, Monday, September 21.

This award, he continued, complements the hard work and contributions of the Board of Directors, Commissioners, employees and related stakeholders such as the full support of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan, Plt Sekda DKI Jakarta, Head of BPBUMD, Department of Food Security, Maritime Affairs and Agriculture, PPKUKM Office, Bureau Economy, Regional Financial Management Agency and BI Jakarta Representative Office.

The only BUMD Food

Food Station is the only BUMD Food in Indonesia that won six BUMD Marketeers Awards 2020. Previously in the same year, Food Station also won many awards.

The awards include awards from the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI), 4 awards at the 2020 TOP BUMD Award, TOP CSR Award 2020, Teropong CSR Award 2020 and Appreciation from the Indonesian Ministry of Trade.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan appreciated the 2020 BUMD Marketeers Awards. He also congratulated the winners.

"I hope this event can provide solutions or breakthroughs for the problems faced by Jakarta, especially during the pandemic," said Anies.