One Week For The Jakarta PSBB, The Transportation Agency Claims That The Traffic Density Is Reduced By 19.28 Percent

JAKARTA - Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that the traffic situation in Jakarta during the second volume of PSBB was relatively smooth. There was a reduction in traffic density by 19.28 percent.

"During the implementation of the PSBB, there was a decrease in traffic volume between 5.23 percent and 19.28 percent compared to the implementation of the PSBB in the transition period," said Syafrin to reporters, Monday, September 21.

Then, Syafrin said that public transportation can accommodate passengers by meeting the maximum carrying capacity of 50 percent of capacity.

He said, there was a decrease in the average daily number of urban public transport passengers by 22.83 percent compared to the implementation of the PSBB during the transition period.

"Meanwhile, AKAP transportation has decreased by 43.85 percent compared to the implementation of the Transitional PSBB," said Syafrin.

For information, the implementation of PSBB is regulated in DKI Governor Regulation Number 88 of 2020. In particular, restrictions in the transportation sector are mandated in Article 18.

In Article 18, during the implementation of the PSBB, all activities for the movement of people and / or goods are temporarily suspended, except for the fulfillment of basic needs; and activities that are allowed during the implementation of the PSBB.

Then, private passenger car users are required to wear a mask in the vehicle, and limit the carrying capacity of individual passenger cars to a maximum of 2 people per row of seats, except with passengers domiciled at the same address.

Then, online and base motorcycle taxi drivers are prohibited from congregating in one location. Ojeks will be subject to fines if they are found to be crowding.

Meanwhile, all public transportation, both land transportation, railways and water transportation are required to limit their passengers to 50 percent.