Keeping In Touch With Makassar Ulama, Meko Airlangga Hartarto Asks For Prayer For...

MAKASSAR - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, also attended the Ulama Gathering Forum, in Makassar, South Sulawesi, on Saturday, March 12.

During the meeting, Airlangga directly asked for prayers from the ulama and boarding school administrators who were present so that Indonesia could quickly get out of the health crisis and be able to restore the economy. During the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Airlangga, religious leaders and community leaders played a very important role. in encouraging the level of community discipline to carry out health protocols. Not only that, the support of these figures is believed by Airlangga to also increase people's confidence to participate in programs run by the government, such as vaccination programs.

"We also thank the scholars of South Sulawesi Province who have supported the COVID-19 Vaccination Program by socializing that the vaccine is halal and safe," said Airlangga, in his official statement, in Jakarta, as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 12.

As of March 10, 2022, active cases in South Sulawesi Province were recorded at 1,753 or 8.95 percent of the total 140,613 cases, consisting of 126,446 recovered patients, or 89.33 percent and 2,414 deaths, or 1.71 percent. The first dose of vaccination that has been injected has reached 85.16 percent, the second dose is 58.68 percent, and the first dose for the elderly is 67.62 percent. From the economic side, Airlangga said that the growth rate of South Sulawesi Province moves in line with the national economy, as indicated by the growth rate of 7.89 percent, when compared to the same period the previous year (year-on-year/yoy) in quarter IV/2021, growing higher than the national achievement of 5.02 percent (yoy). Airlangga also said that the protection budget In the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN) Rp 154.76 trillion has been prepared, including the Cash Assistance Program for Street Vendors, Stalls and Fishermen (BTPKLWN) to around 2.7 million recipients in 212 districts/cities which are priority programs for the Eradication Program. Extreme Poverty. In supporting the people's economy, including Islamic boarding schools, Airlangga said the government has also prepared the Super Micro and Micro People's Business Credit Program (KUR), with the KUR ceiling having been increased to Rp373.17 trillion in 2022. The government has also formed PT Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) which is a merger of several Islamic banks. The prayers of the clergy are one of the weapons in smoothing this nation's endeavors," said Airlangga.