The Perpetrators Of The Robbery Of Kumalasari's Barbie Necklace Have Been Identified, The Police Have Narrowed Their Range Of Movement

JAKARTA - The Criminal Investigation Unit of the Sawah Besar Police is still analyzing data related to the mugging case that happened to the artist Barbie Kumalasari in the Sawah Besar area, Central Jakarta, last Wednesday, March 9.

As a result of this incident, Barbie Kumalasari admitted that she lost a necklace worth Rp. 400 million. .

"We are still analyzing the data and the characteristics of the perpetrators," said Sawah Besar Police Chief Kompol Maulana Mukarom when contacted by VOI, Friday, March 11.

The robbery incident has been reported to the Sawah Besar Sector Police with the number LP/62/K/III/2022/SAWAH BESAR SECTOR/CENTRAL JAKARTA METRO POLICE/METRO JAYA POLDA.

"The one who handles the Sawah Besar Criminal Investigation Unit and the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit," said Kompol Alan, his nickname to VOI.

Currently, Police Commissioner Alan admits that his party has pocketed the characteristics of the perpetrators. He also said that he would soon reveal the perpetrators of the robbery against the victim Barbie Kumalasari.

"The perpetrators are currently being studied and analyzed for their characteristics," he said.

His party will also narrow the space for robbers in the Sawah Besar area with the Precision Pioneer Patrol patrolling at vulnerable hours and locations.

Previously, the artist Barbie Kumalasari was snatched in the Sawah Besar area, Central Jakarta. According to the police report, Barbie was snatched by two people riding a motorbike while walking to the parking area of a shop-house in the Sawah Besar area, Central Jakarta. Barbie admitted that the necklace was worth Rp. 400 million.