Three Hours Of Ethics Trial, Pamen Polri With The Initials M Is Proven To Have Raped A Child And Is Officially Dismissed

MAKASSAR - A former mid-level police officer (pamen) with the initials M, a suspect in the alleged assault of a minor was finally officially dismissed in the professional ethics trial for Disrespectful Dismissal (PDTT) at the South Sulawesi Police Headquarters (Sulsel).

"Demonstrating non-administrative witnesses, in the form of violations that are declared as despicable violations," said the chairman of the trial Kombes Ai Afriandi after reading the trial verdict, at the local police headquarters, reported by Antara, Friday, March 11.

In addition, the second sanction for the person concerned is administrative in nature in the form of a recommendation for Disrespectful Dismissal or PTDH from the Indonesian National Police.

"He was officially fired, because it was proven. However, the decision rests with the National Police Chief," said Kombes Afriandi.

The trial process for the code of ethics, he said, lasted for more than three hours by calling witnesses, listening to their statements, listening to the prosecution and listening to the alleged testimony, and the results were proven to have violated the police's professional code of ethics.

Although the professional ethics trial has been carried out, the person concerned M will appeal the decision one level above the Police Headquarters, namely the National Police Headquarters.

"The suspect is still appealing. AKBP M is proven. From the trial it is proven and convincing. There are seven witnesses, the main witness being the victim himself," he also said. Police Profession. Furthermore, the suspect will undergo a criminal process which is being handled by the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation (Dit Reskrimsus) of the South Sulawesi Police.

Previously, the victim, a 13-year-old girl with the initials IS became an outlet for the lust of a police officer with the initials M, after working as a Household Assistant (ART) at her home since September 2021.

The suspect is an official of the Polairud Directorate, and after the incident was revealed to the public, he was finally removed from his position.

IS claimed that he had been coerced from November 2021 to February 2022, and continued to be forced to serve him. The modus operandi is, the suspect lured the victim to pay for education, including the necessities of life for his family, who had been living in poverty.