Kendari City Government Declaration Of Women And Child Friendly Area

KENDARI - The Kendari City Government, Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra), through the Office of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (DP3A) held a commemoration of International Women's Day by signing the Declaration on Women's Friendly and Child Care in the Religious Monument area of Kendari Square. "Through today's activity, I ask the whole community to be able to eradicate gender bias that still often occurs, such as in the workplace, schools and universities," said Kendari Mayor, Sulkarnain Kadir, after signing the declaration, Friday, March 11. women can be achieved. Thus, the world becomes more diverse, fair, inclusive and free from bias, stereotypes and discrimination. "Equality here is what we mean by partnership, complementing, mutually reinforcing and complementary," said the mayor as quoted by Antara. ) Family Welfare Development (PKK) Kendari City, Sri Lestari Sulkarnain, who was present on the occasion said that the commemoration of World Women's Day was a lever for women to continue to excel, innovate and continue to learn. "Wherever women are, she is still a woman by nature. full of love and affection,” he said. On the other hand, he said, women were also ready to make sacrifices in order to provide benefits both in the public and domestic spheres.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of the Kendari City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service, Sitti Ganef, said the development of women in Southeast Sulawesi, especially in Kendari City was very significant because there were many women who took part in public spaces and other fields. tasks that are the nature of men, but how can we partner, "said Ganef. He hopes that with the commemoration of International Women's Day women should be able to advance, be independent and have broad insight to adapt to the times. This activity was attended by the Regional Secretary and a number of OPD heads Kendari City Government.