The Babylonians Don't Have To Worry About Cooking Oil, The Regional Police Step Into Controlling The Distribution

PANGKALPINANG - The Bangka Belitung Islands Regional Police will oversee the distribution of cooking oil in the area to ensure smooth distribution and safe supplies to the community.

"We are carrying out this escort following up on the scarcity of packaged cooking oil which has begun to penetrate the Bangka Belitung area, now we have made quick steps and coordinated with related parties in overcoming this," said Head of Public Relations of the Bangka Belitung Islands Police, Kombes A Maladi in Pangkalpinang, reported by Antara, Friday, March 11.

With the guarantee of smooth distribution, his party asked the public not to take wholesale actions or "panic buying" of packaged cooking oil so that the shortages that occurred in the last few days did not continue.

"There is no need to panic by buying in large quantities. We have taken steps and thank God the availability of cooking oil is sufficient, there is no need for wholesale action," he said.

Maladi said the availability of cooking oil will be more stable so that people can get it easily at a price that has been set by the government.

"We ask not to buy in large quantities and fight each other. The supply will definitely be very sufficient," he said.

The Special Criminal Directorate of the Babel Police has coordinated with related parties to ensure that cooking oil stocks are stable and sufficient.

Steps taken by direct supervision of the distribution of cooking oil in various distributors in the Province of the Bangka Belitung Islands. In addition to monitoring the availability of cooking oil, the Ditreskrimsus Polda Bangka Belitung Islands also monitors the price of cooking oil in accordance with what has been set by the government.

"Thursday, March 10, the Ditreskrimsus has checked and directly monitored the distribution. From the information we get, there are around 184,000 liters of cooking oil stock, this amount will be distributed to all regions in Bangka Belitung," he said.

This stock, he said, includes those in the process of loading and unloading incoming goods and it is estimated that the unloading process will take approximately two days.