China Admits Continuous Virtual World Attacks, Accuses US Of Masterminding

JAKARTA - The Chinese government since February, admitted to having faced cyberattacks continuously. Hackers who come from abroad reportedly continue to try to take control of computers in the country.

The hackers are also reportedly targeting Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. According to a report by the Xinhua news agency, most of these attacks originated in the United States.

Xinhua quoted the statement from China's National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team/Coordination Center, a cybersecurity technical center that leads efforts to prevent and detect cybersecurity threats to the country.

But they did not reveal the identity of the hackers who were said to be from the US. While the US itself has not yet commented or responded to allegations from Chinese authorities as reported by Xinhua.

Hacking attacks in recent years have continued to rise. Even in the Russia-Ukraine war, hacking and hackers have become weapons used by each side against its enemy.