BNPB Calls Pasaman Barat Entering Post-Earthquake Emergency Transition Period

JAKARTA - West Pasaman Regency, West Sumatra Province has ended its emergency response status after the 6.1 magnitude earthquake, according to a report by the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB). some time ago," said the acting Head of the BNPB Disaster Data, Information and Communication Center Abdul Muhari in a written statement in Jakarta, Friday. Abdul said the West Pasaman Regency government set this status for 90 days, starting from March 11 to June 8, 2022. Status This was determined by the Regent of West Pasaman through decree number 188.45/170/BUP-PASBAR/2022 concerning the Determination of Emergency Transition Status for the Recovery of Earthquake Disaster Management in West Pasaman Regency. affected, such as meeting the needs of SAR, control of sources of disaster threat or protection of vulnerable groups. In addition, other efforts will be made by local governments to improve the function of vital infrastructure and facilities, initial socio-economic improvement of the victims and refugees. The local government is also continuing to conduct rapid assessments. development of the situation and handling of disaster emergencies.

The local government has started to build 25 temporary shelters (huntara). The shelter is located in Jorong Tanjung Beruang, Nagari Kajai, Talamau District, whose construction was supported by the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) for the West Pasaman region and the TNI. Previously, West Pasaman had set an emergency response status for 14 days, starting from February 25, 2022 until ending on 10 March 2022. "Meanwhile, based on the latest data developments in West Pasaman on Friday at 06.30 WIB, it was recorded that the total damaged houses reached 2,993 units. The details of the damage are as follows, heavily damaged houses (RB) 1,240 units, moderately damaged (RS) 703 and damaged light (RR) 1,050," said Abdul. Other damage was to educational facilities with details of RB 19 units, RS 14 and RR 42. At the affected health facilities, there were RB 6 units, RS 5 and RR 7, then to facilities for places of worship RB 22 units, hospitals 7 and RR 11, as well as government office facilities, recorded as hospital 9 units and RR 29. During the transition period, they still provide services to affected residents because as many as 3,979 people are still displaced. The local health office routinely conducts health checks on those who are still in evacuation posts, such as in Nagari Kajai. BNPB continues to provide assistance to local governments during this transition period, such as synchronizing data on damage to houses and other affected facilities.