Police Arrest Teenager Involved In Persecuting High School Students In Medan To Death

MEDAN - A 15-year-old teenager was arrested by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Helvetia Police. He is suspected of being involved in molesting a high school student to death in Medan Helvetia, Medan City.

The Head of the Medan Helvetia Police, Kompol Heri Sihombing said the case was revealed after the Medan Helvetia Police Criminal Investigation personnel investigated the sale of automatic motorbikes, in the Kampung Pool area, Pasar XI, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency.

"From the results of the investigation, it is known that before the motorcycle was sold, the perpetrator rode a ride with his colleague with the initials HN (22), said Kompol Heri, Thursday, March 10.

"HN was first arrested by the Percut Seituan Sector Police in another case, namely committing acts of abuse using sharp weapons against the victim on Jalan Captain Sumarsono, on Sunday (30/1) in the morning," he continued.

Kompol Heri said the Criminal Investigation team who knew the whereabouts of the perpetrators immediately made arrests. The police took him to the Medan Helvetia Police Headquarters to undergo an examination.

When arrested, the police confiscated a number of evidences, such as a sharp weapon, a celurit used to persecute the victim, a motorcycle and a cellphone from the perpetrator's hands.

"When interrogated, the perpetrator and his colleague HN admitted that they had abused the victim to death," said Commissioner Heri.

Currently, the perpetrators are still under investigation to determine the motive behind the assault.

"We have arrested the perpetrator. For his actions, he is subject to Article 351 paragraph 3 with a threat of up to 5 years in prison," he concluded.