Academics Values Of Women's Leadership Give Color To Public Policy

KUPANG - Academician from the University of Muhammadiyah Kupang, Dr. Ahmad Atang, Msi said, women's leadership in the executive and legislative realms has colored this country's public policies. "The presence of women in the executive as well as in the legislature has contributed to giving color to public policies," he said in Kupang, Thursday, March 10. stage in echelon positions, both echelon IV, III and echelon II. According to him, with these positions, they have had independence in determining every state policy. Meanwhile in the legislature, public trust in women's leadership in politics from time to time has shown a significant increase. significant.

"Public attention to women is influenced by their existence in articulating public interests through political institutions," he said. This he continued, shows how important women are in supporting public policies. Thus, the key word is trust. It means, if women are given trust, they will be able to actualize it. Therefore, it is time for women to be at the forefront to continue to be encouraged and supported by providing space so that they can improve their quality as early as possible, said the former Vice Chancellor I of the University. Muhammadiyah Kupang.