KSAD Dudung Flying To COVID-19 Vaccine Raid Lookout Field

PADANG - Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) General Dudung Abdurachman said the COVID-19 vaccination campaign would continue to be implemented and increased in all regions to achieve group immunity.

"Today I made a working visit to Padang and saw firsthand the Vaccination Raid that was being carried out here," said Dudung while visiting the vaccinations facilitated by the Tjinta Friends Association Community (HTT) in Padang, Antara, Wednesday, March 9.

Dudung said that in this attack, the TNI AD, TNI AU, TNI AL, Polri and local governments supported by PT Kimia Farma and HTT worked together to make the activity a success.

"This vaccination with a target of 1,000 people being vaccinated today and we will see everyone working hard for it," he said.

In this Vaccination Assault program, his party also provides basic food assistance to people who have undergone vaccinations to help them meet their daily needs.

"This is in accordance with the order of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, namely carrying out attacks and economic recovery as a result of the pandemic. This vaccination activity will roll out every day according to the central government's target," he said.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Chair of the Padang HTT Community, Albert Hendra Lukman, said that vaccinations were often held, but due to the visit of the Kasad, special preparations were needed, especially protocol.

Meanwhile, the vaccination itself went well thanks to the cooperation of vaccinators from the TNI AD, TNI AU, TNI AD, Polri and DKK who worked hard to make this happen.

This activity was attended by many people and the public's interest was high enough to vaccinate because of the target of 1,000 people, his party had vaccinated 700 to 800 people.

"We started this activity a bit late at 11.00 WIB so that the desired target was not achieved, but we will pursue it," he said.