Minister Of PPPA Calls The Number Of Reports Of Cases Of Violence Against Women A Good Sign

JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Bintang Puspayoga said the increasing trend of reporting cases of violence is a good thing because it is a sign that people are starting to dare to voice the violence they experience. quite good because it means that people are starting to have the courage and confidence to make complaints reports to the available complaint services," said Minister Bintang in an international webinar entitled "Empowered Women Dare To Speakup" which was attended in Jakarta, Wednesday 9 March. encourage the disclosure of various cases of violence against women and children. "The more massive use of social media has also contributed to uncovering various cases of violence," he said. Bintang explained that based on the 2021 National Women's Life Experience Survey (SPHPN), physical violence and/or sexual violence Sexual harassment by partners and non-partners in 2021, is experienced by 26.1 percent of women or experienced by one in four women aged 15-64 years during their lifetime.

"It should be noted that this figure has decreased in total if we compare it with the survey in 2016," he said. His party appreciates the women who have dared to reveal various cases of violence that have been experienced. social construction that has silenced women," he said. The Minister of PPPA asked for support from all parties to appreciate the attitudes of these women and motivate other women who experienced the same thing. dared to voice the violence experienced or known to her and also provide motivation for other women who are still living in the shackles of discrimination," said Bintang.