Gerindra Doesn't Care About Cabinet Reshuffle For PAN's Allotment: We Don't Really Find Out

JAKARTA - The news that President Joko Widodo will reshuffle the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet in March is getting stronger. It was reported that PAN, which had just joined the government coalition, would get a ministerial seat. In response, the Gerindra Party did not want to bother. The party chaired by Prabowo Subianto stated that he was upright with President Jokowi's decision.

"Regarding the cabinet reshuffle, we, as part of the government coalition, of course leave it entirely to the president. Because this is the prerogative of the president," said Gerindra Party Daily Chair Sufmi Dasco Ahmad at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, March 9.

The deputy chairman of the DPR also admitted that he did not know the news that Jokowi would reshuffle his cabinet. Dasco said Gerindra only focused on optimizing the work of ministries that had been entrusted to his party.

"We're not really looking (when the reshuffle will happen, ed), because we only focus on the ministry entrusted to Gerindra cadres to continue working on carrying out the President's vision and mission," said Dasco.

Regarding the joining of the National Mandate Party (PAN) in the cabinet, Dasco emphasized that it was President Jokowi's prerogative.

"Depending on the assessment of the president, whether it is needed or not, that's all," he said. Previously, Deputy Secretary General of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Luqman Hakim said the National Mandate Party (PAN) would get one cabinet minister and deputy minister in a cabinet reshuffle that reportedly will be carried out at the end of March, based on information received by Luqman.

"The news about coffee shops is (cabinet reshuffle) at the end of March. PAN will get one minister plus one deputy minister," Luqman told reporters, Wednesday, March 9.

Luqman did not explain further the source of the information he received regarding the cabinet reshuffle. He admitted that he had not received any information regarding the positions of ministers and vice ministers that would be filled by PAN cadres.

"But we don't know for sure when and in what position, it's still in the news," concluded the Deputy Chairman of Commission II of the DPR.