Attacks From His Own Fortress Increase Trump's Destruction Ahead Of Biden

JAKARTA - A former staff of Vice President Mike Pence attacked the President of the United States (US) Donald Trump regarding the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. This adds to the list of former Trump administration officials who have criticized him. There have been several strikes, each adding to Trump's devastation in front of his rival Joe Biden.

Olivia Troye, who is homeland security adviser to Pence and top staff on the White House COVID-19 task force, said Trump failed to protect the US public because he only cares about himself and his attempts to get re-elected. Troye's criticism, conveyed in a video, is striking because of his role in the COVID-19 task force, which is led by Pence.

"Towards mid-February, we know it is not a matter of whether COVID-19 will become a major pandemic here, but rather when (COVID-19 will become a problem)," said Troye, who left the White House in late July.

"But the President doesn't want to hear that, because his biggest concern is that we are in an election year, and how this will affect what he considers his record of success," he added.

At a Covid-19 task force meeting, Troye claimed that Trump said "maybe this COVID-19 problem is a good thing."

"I don't like shaking hands with people. I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people," Troye said at the meeting.

The White House responded quickly to Troye's allegations by accusing him of being a disgruntled employee and raising no objections while on staff. Trump told reporters he did not know Troye, but claimed Troye had been persuaded to make his statement.

"People call him and say, 'Say some bad things about Donald Trump,'" Trump said.

"Every time someone leaves the government, I will not know these people. And they leave on the basis of personal matters with me," Trump added. Pence also criticized Troye's words.

"I haven't read his comments in detail, but to me it looks like a disgruntled employee who left the White House and has now decided to play politics during an election year," Pence said of Troye.

"I think my staff has indicated that he made no such comments when he was on our team, here in the White House COVID-19 task force," he added.

Pence added that he himself is very proud of the work that has been done so far and the leadership that has been given by President Trump. Meanwhile White House Deputy Press Secretary Judd Deere said that "this disgruntled former staff member has never personally met the President and his statements are groundless in reality and grossly inaccurate."

The Troye video was released by Republican Voters Against Trump, a group trying to beat Trump in November. Troye has also joined the Republican-formed anti-Trump group, the Republican Political Alliance for Integrity and Reform or REPAIR, which says it seeks to "refocus Republican priorities and improve America."

The group announced more than 20 advisers, including Troye and several former Trump officials who worked for the Department of Homeland Security. Anthony Scaramucci, who was once director of communications for the White House, and Josh Venable, who was chief of staff to Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, are also part of this group.

Republicans criticizing Trump is nothing new. There have been Republican voices attacking him since the 2016 campaign began. Republican-led groups such as the Lincoln Project are now actively campaigning against Trump in 2020.

Troye, who worked for the National Insurance Crime Bureau after leaving the Trump administration, admits he will support Biden. He has worked for several federal agencies throughout his career on counterterrorism and intelligence issues, including for Pence since 2018. Troye said he decided to leave the government because he felt his job made no difference.

"Does that matter," he said, "Because no matter how hard you work and what you do, the President will do something detrimental to keep Americans safe, so why are you in that role?" the lid.