Kiai's House In Indramayu Attacked, Wife And Nephew Injured

INDRAMAYU - The Crime Investigation Unit of the Indramayu Police, West Java, is still conducting an examination of an assailant of a young Kiai, the chairman of Jam'iyyah Ahlith Tarekat Al Mu'tabarah An Nahdliyyah (Jatman) Indramayu, until he was injured by a sharp weapon. Check," said Indramayu Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Luthfi Olot Gigantara when contacted via text message, Wednesday, March 9. Luthfi confirmed that there had been an attack by a resident against a young Kiai who currently serves as the Head of Jatman Indramayu Regency Farid Asr Wadaher. However, he has not been able to explain in detail what happened on Tuesday (8/3) night at around 22.30 WIB. Meanwhile, from the information that has been gathered, the young Kia attacker carried out the action alone. sharp knife in the form of a sickle and entered the residence and looked for Kiai Farid. But Kiai Farid was not there home, then the perpetrator immediately injured Kiai Farid's wife and nephew who was at home.

Meanwhile, Chairperson of Rabithah Ma'ahid al Islamiyah (RMI) Azun Mauzun said from information that the incident occurred when the male and female students of PP An Nur were practicing khataman in the Pondok Pesantren area and Gus Farid's residence was quiet. the location of the incident was at Gus Farid's house. The perpetrator entered the house and then went berserk," he said.