It's Been More Than A Year Since The Provincial Government Of Aceh Is Considered Not To Be Effective In Implementing The Qanun For Non-Smoking Areas

ACEH - The Aceh Provincial Government has been asked to seriously implement Aceh Qanun Number 4 of 2020 concerning Smoke-Free Areas (KTR). It has been more than a year since this regulation was passed but it has not been implemented effectively.

"So far the Aceh KTR Qanun has not been implemented, even the socialization has not been carried out. We hope that the government is serious about implementing this qanun," said Muazzinah, Partnership Manager for The Aceh Institute in Banda Aceh, Antara, Tuesday, March 8.

In fact, said Muazzinah, in the qanun, all provisions have been regulated, starting from the KTR location as well as sanctions for violators, in the form of criminal penalties to the obligation to pay fines.

Muazzinah stated that smoking is prohibited in accordance with the Aceh KTR Qanun, among others, in health facilities, educational institutions, children's activity arenas, places of worship, public transportation, sports arenas, and other public places.

Then, the first violator is given a verbal warning, then a written warning, then administrative sanctions for confiscation of ID cards and a fine of Rp. 200 thousand. Even a criminal sentence of seven days with a fine of Rp. 500 thousand for those who violate it up to four times.

"So everything has been regulated in the qanun, so now it's just a matter of seriousness from the Aceh Government and the Aceh DPR to implement it," he said.

Muazzinah said that the Aceh Government's leading sectors in the implementation of this KTR are the Health Service, Satpol PP for enforcement efforts, and Bappeda related to planning for the development of smoke-free areas.

"Essentially, we hope for serious intentions from the Aceh government, to massively disseminate and fully implement the Aceh KTR Qanun," said Muazzinah.

The same thing was conveyed by media practitioners, Azhari emphasized that the implementation of this smoke-free area needed the commitment and seriousness of the government by cooperating with various parties to implement these provisions.

"We have produced a legal product, but we have not implemented it properly," said Azhari.

In addition, Azhari emphasized that the Aceh KTR qanun must also be disseminated to students, as an effort to prepare a generation that is smoke-free in the future, or at a minimum it can be reduced.

Not only that, Azhari also hopes that the media, especially in Aceh, can play an active role in campaigning for this anti-smoking area, so that this can be implemented properly.

"The media and the government must be committed if they want to implement a smoke-free area. We demand the seriousness of the government, not just issuing qanuns, but not implementing them," said Azhari.