Police Stopped During A Mask Raid, Motorists In Medan Were Desperate To Step On The Gas To Escape

MEDAN - Motorbike riders in Medan were desperate to step on the gas to run away when the mask raid was held by a joint team. This motorbike ran away after being stopped by the police.

From the video circulating on social media, this motorbike driver initially followed police instructions to stop the motorbike and pull over to the side of Jalan Jawa, East Medan District. But the driver escaped and the police tried to hold him back by holding his backpack.

The Head of the East Medan Police, Commissioner Arifin regretted the actions of the motorcyclists who fled during the Justisi operation. Citizens should be cooperative.

"We regret why he ran away. But we are not following up, because this is a justisical operation," said Arifin, Friday, September 18.

He emphasized that people must still use masks. If not, there will be justisi surgery that supervises the health protocol.

"We hope that people will continue to use masks, keep their distance and obey health protocols. This operation is carried out to stop the spread of COVID-19. We will carry out this operation routinely. To the community I hope to use masks and if the officers stop them, they must cooperate," he said.