Fire Office, DKI Transportation Agency Ensures Not To Disrupt Operations

JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Transportation Service Building at the Technical Service Complex, Jalan Taman Jati Baru Number 1, Cideng, Gambir, Central Jakarta, caught fire in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, said that the fire occurred in the Law Enforcement Section for Operational Control at the DKI Transportation Agency and the meeting room.

However, the Head of the DKI Transportation Agency, Syafrin Liputo, emphasized that this incident did not interfere with the operations of his staff in carrying out their duties.

"So in general it does not interfere with operations and while the operations of the Dalops field are being moved to another building that allows the operation to be carried out," Syafrin told reporters, Tuesday, March 8.

Then, continued Syafrin, documents related to law enforcement were also not affected by the fire that occurred this morning.

"From the existing documents related to law enforcement, we make sure that some are damaged because they are separated. For example, for controlling illegal parking, it is a separate building. Likewise with the stop operation of public transportation which commits traffic violations," explained Syafrin.

Separately, the Head of the Central Jakarta Fire and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-department (Kasudin) Asril Rizal stated that the cause of the fire on the 2nd floor of the DKI Dishub building was an electrical short circuit.

Initially, the security officers of the Cipta Karya, Spatial Planning and Land Office Building in the office complex saw a puff of smoke on the 2nd floor of the Dishub building.

Then, the security officer named Suratno immediately reported the incident to the security officer at the Transportation Agency named Agus.

"Security at the Transportation Office immediately tried to extinguish it using the APAR, but failed because the smoke was so thick," said Asril.

The security officers immediately reported to the nearest fire station. A total of 7 fire engines and 35 personnel were deployed to extinguish the "red rooster" which had been raging since 02.40 WIB. Firefighters managed to extinguish the blaze at around 04.13 WIB.