Jayapura Police Investigate Protesters Attacking Police And Damaged Cars In Waena

JAYAPURA - Six police officers in operational cars were chased by demonstrators. A car was damaged, a police officer was injured in an attack at Perumnas III Waena, Heram District, Jayapura, Papua.

The Jayapura City Police Chief, Kombes Gustav R. Urbinas, said the members who were attacked were on duty to deliver logistics to the personnel who carried out the security for the demonstration.

This police met with a mass of action that was disbanding from the direction of Perumnas II towards Perumnas III Waena.

"The crowd who saw the police car then vented their emotions by destroying the police car found at the crime scene and then chasing members by throwing stones," explained the Head of Police in a written statement forwarded by Public Relations of the Papua Police.

Of the six policemen who were attacked, one was taken to the hospital. The police will carry out a visa for investigation.

"This is the result of the democracy referred to by the masses of action, in the end, because they are not able to carry out their commitment to convey their aspirations peacefully, they actually cause harm to others. Especially in this case, the apparatus is the victim, even though we have opened a space for democracy and did not hurt the masses of the action," said Gustav.

Kombes Gustav said the members who were victims would be investigated regarding the attacks by the masses.

"This is already detrimental by not respecting the rights of others, not paying attention to the public interest with the presence of provocative elements to attack the apparatus," he said.

The Jayapura Police Chief emphasized that this incident would be thoroughly investigated. The person in charge of the demo will be checked.

"We will call the field coordinators who organized this demonstration to be responsible for the impact of their actions on our members and damaged property," said Kombes Gustav.