35 Foreigners In Bali Subject To Raids For Not Wearing Masks, Some Will Be Fined

DENPASAR - There are still tourists in Bali who stubbornly not wear masks when they leave the house. Badung Satpol PP officers found 35 foreigners who were not wearing masks during the raid.

Kasatpol PP Badung I Gusti Agung Kerta Suryanegara said 35 foreigners who did not wear masks were being punished in accordance with Governor Regulation (Pergub) Number 46 of 2020. There were 4 tourists who were fined on the spot and 31 others were given guidance because they did not use masks properly.

This raid is related to the application of discipline and efforts to enforce health protocol laws as an effort to prevent and control COVID-19.

"In total, there are only 35 foreigners who pay a fine of 4 who get coaching is 31," said Surya, Friday, September 18.

"31 foreigners got coaching, yes, because they brought masks but they didn't wear them properly, meaning they stuck and then put them on the motorbike, put them down, they brought them but they didn't use them. The 4 people really didn't bring a mask," continued Surya.

Currently, Satpol PP officers are actively carrying out mask raids in the red zone. The tourist attraction itself is not classified as a red zone.

"We put forward the red zones, coincidentally the tourist attractions are not in the red zone category, so we are targeting more towards the red zone, incidentally in the orange zone tourism object we prioritize the red zone," explained Surya.