Village Head Owner Of Illegal Fertilizer Factory In Jember Becomes A Suspect

JEMBER - Jember Police, East Java, sealed a fertilizer factory that was not licensed in Bangsalsari Village, Bangsalsari District. The factory named PT. Agro Unggul Jaya Makmur apparently belongs to a local village head named Nur Kholis.

Nur Kholis has also been named a suspect. Likewise, one of his workers, who served as field coordinator named Cecep, was also named a suspect.

"For the investigation process, it is suspected that it is not registered and there is no permit related to the (fertilizer factory) in Bangsalsari. We have carried out the investigation process, continued the investigation and filed a case. We have named two suspects. Namely NH (Nur Kholis) and C (Cecep) ," said Jember Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Komang Yogi Arya Wiguna, Tuesday, March 8.

According to Yogi, this case was handled after discussions in the DPR regarding the alleged factory and distribution of counterfeit fertilizers in Bangsalsari.

"So we follow up with the investigation process. Then we find sufficient evidence, so that we continue with the legal process of this case," said Yogi.

In this case, the police did not arrest the two suspects.

"For the two suspects, no detention was carried out, because it was considered quite cooperative and also NH as the village head still has an obligation to provide services to the community. So it is only mandatory to report, because they still have to carry out their job responsibilities (as village head)," he said.

Furthermore, said Yogi, the police are still developing the investigation into this case.

"By carrying out a further investigation and filing process. For this stage, we are conducting a TKP at the unregistered fertilizer production site," he said.

In this factory, the type of fertilizer produced is given the brand name NPK Union 16. "We (also) have carried out an expert examination at the Central Ministry of Agriculture and stated that it is not registered," he said.

The suspect was charged with Article 122 in conjunction with Article 73 of Law Number 22 of 2019 concerning Sustainable Agricultural Cultivation Systems.

"In essence, distributing unregistered fertilizers carries a maximum penalty of 6 years in prison," he said.