Check These 10 YouTube Channels Before You Dive Into The NFT World

JAKARTA - The popularity and price of NFT in the world today is increasing. Many people make a lot of money making trades on NFT. So, it is not surprising that more and more people are eager to learn about NFT and how to create one.

YouTube offers a great way to learn about all sorts of things, including NFT.

What is NFT?

An NFT, or token is a unit of data stored on the blockchain. NFTs or tokens come in many forms, from digital art to games, music, movies or even famous memes.

Printing NFT is the process of converting files into digital assets that are stored on the blockchain. Without going through the printing process, you cannot sell NFT.

If you want to know all about NFT and how to create one, here's a YouTube channel we've rounded up from Makeuseof that can help you.

Viral Kingdom

Viral Kingdom is a YouTube channel that features a lot of NFT videos. The videos cover topics such as how to create an NFT, how to sell it, how to make it free, and how to market it. The YouTube owner explains it in detail and also gives good advice. This channel has more than 81k subscribers and content that will really help you as you enter the world of NFT.

Carl Hustle

Carl Hustle's YouTube channel features many NFT videos. One of them is teaching how to make 3D NFT for free. If you're used to making traditional art on paper, there's even a video that will help you convert that art to NFT. With over 40K subscribers, this channel is full of great info for NFT newbies

Tommy Bryson

Tommy Bryson is a YouTuber with many videos on various ways to make money using several online platforms. He has made several videos where he teaches viewers how to create NFTs and make money selling them. This channel has more than 430 thousand subscribers.

Millennial Hustle

Another YouTube creator is Hustle Millennial. This channel features dozens of videos on the topic of NFT. In this channel discuss how you can create a collection of NFT to sell, how to make a profit by flipping NFT. There are even videos about NFT games that can make money for those who play them.

3D Gladiator

3D Gladiator is a channel that will teach you how to create and print your own NFT collection, how to turn your art into NFT, and much more. Gladiator 3D Creators discusses not only the advantages of creating and trading NFTs, but also the disadvantages. This information will help you think more realistically.

Franklin Hatchett

Franklin Hatchett took a different approach to the topic of NFT. The videos try to help you discover the best ways to make money with NFT, such as how to choose the right marketplace, and how to turn it into a profitable business, even if you're doing this on the side.


This channel features videos on the best way to create an entire NFT collection, how to print thousands in no time, and how to do it without any coding knowledge. There will be a lot of quality content on this channel which will definitely be of great help when you are new to the world of NFT.


Kapwing gives his audience how to learn NFT and how to make it very young. This channel belongs to a video editing software company. Instead of teaching you how to make NFT images, he will teach you how to create and sell video NFTs.


The videos will teach you how to draw NFT, how to use various editing software, how to make yourself known as an NFT artist, and how to use social media to your advantage.


There are tons of videos to watch to learn more about NFT, create art, and sell and promote what you make. There are also interesting videos about large NFT projects and how to push them to market for very little money.