Continue Orders Of KSAL Admiral Yudo Margono, Marine Center For Child Vaccination Accelerates Vaccination In Sukabumi

SUKABUMI - Indonesian Navy Combat Training Center (Puslatpur) Marine 6 Antralina Sukabumi helps accelerate the achievement of vaccinations for children in Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

"The vaccinations that we carried out for children at SDN 01 Bojongjengkol, Jampangtengah District followed up on the daily orders of the Chief of Naval Staff (KSAL) Admiral Yudo Margono to be a role model and support efforts to accelerate and handle the COVID-19 outbreak and quickly adapt to the new normal stages of life. or New Normal," said Commander of the Marine 6th Puslatpur, Antralina Sukabumi, Lt. Col. (Mar) Ombun Tarera Sipahutar in Sukabumi, Antara, Monday, March 7.

The vaccines used are Sinovac and Pfizer. The vaccination activity was well received by residents, especially parents, students and school officials with a total of 150 participants consisting of 140 students at SDN 01 Bojongjengkol and children and 10 adults.

Although the main target is children aged 6 to 12 years, but it also serves adults or the general public. Children who undergo this vaccination get assistance from teachers and parents.

"In the implementation, we collaborated with health workers from the Jampangtengah Health Center and sent 10 personnel from the Marine 6 Antralina Puslatpur, some of whom are Health Officers (Bakes).

He said this activity was to assist the government in accelerating vaccination achievements and to invite people to be vaccinated to create communal immunity.

Therefore, the public is asked to take advantage of this opportunity as well as possible, because vaccination and implementing strict health protocols can prevent exposure to COVID-19, said Ombun Tarera Sipahutar.