Bobby Nasution Busy Overcoming Medan Floods, Academics Suggest BWS Sumatra Quickly Normalize Deli-Babura River

MEDAN - Academic of Water Affairs Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Medan Area (UMA) Kamaluddin Lubis emphasized that the Sumatra II River Basin Agency (BWS) must immediately normalize the Deli River and Babura River to overcome flooding in this area.

"The Deli and Babura rivers must immediately normalize by involving various relevant agencies, including the Sumatra II BWS which is fully responsible for river management," he said in Medan, North Sumatra, Monday, March 7.

Because, he continued, the condition of the two watersheds (DAS) of a total of 12 rivers crossing Medan City, the majority are now in the unhealthy category.

Kamaluddin explained that there was a lot of sediment, then garbage and also narrowing resulting in bad river flow characteristics, making it difficult to accommodate water discharge from upstream when it rained.

"It is proven that at this time, the city of Medan is often hit by floods and is no exception for residential areas on riverbanks, both the Deli River and the Babura River," he said.

Kamaluddin explained that the condition was due to the river's lack of ability to accommodate and drain water when the water flow was high, which was caused by various factors, including construction on the banks of the river without a building permit.

Then development in riverbank areas for unilateral or individual purposes has an impact on reducing the dimensions and capacity of a river.

"There is a shift in the function of riverbanks into housing for residents, and the lack of public awareness of throwing garbage into the river. This has triggered a decrease in the capacity of the river, so that overflowing water triggers flooding," said Kamaluddin Lubis.

Previously, rain that fell in the upstream of the river in Karo Regency and Deli Serdang Regency on Sunday (27/2) to Monday (28/2), resulted in flooding downstream of the river in Medan City.

Head of the Medan City Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), M Husni, said as many as 56 villages in 14 sub-districts were affected by flooding and poor drainage management in this area.

"In addition, due to the flood this time, 4,306 family heads were evacuated to the village head office, schools and places of worship," he said.