Jember Regional Secretary Will Report Illegal Lime Mining To Police

JEMBER - Jember district secretary Mirfano said his party would report the illegal limestone mining in Gunung Sadeng to the local police.

"We ask companies that do not have rights to manage limestone land in Gunung Sadeng to stop their activities. If they are still stubborn, then we will report it to the police," he said in Jember Regency, East Java, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 7.

According to him, the illegal miners stopped when the Jember Regency Government team conducted a sudden inspection of Mount Sadeng which is an asset of the local government in Grenden Village, Puger District, but returned to work the next day.

"Last week, when we made a sudden inspection, there was no activity by illegal miners, but after we got home and the next day they started mining again," he said.

He explained that the Jember Regency Government's certificate of use rights to Mount Sadeng covering an area of 190 hectares was issued in 2013, but previously in 2011 that the Jember Regency Government and DPRD ratified a regional regulation on taxes and in 2014 a regent's regulation on the use of Mount Sadeng was issued.

"The Jember Regency Government has only issued land management rights for limestone mining companies since 2015 and it is recorded that 18 companies have obtained land management rights," he said.

Based on the results of verification and field inspections, he continued, the Jember Regency Government found that there were mining companies that had not operated since 2019, so that land was left abandoned and land was explored excessively.

"There are even companies that trade land management rights to other parties because the holder is not able to manage limestone mining land without notification to the Jember Regency Government as the owner of Gunung Sadeng assets," he said.

Mirfano also said that there are companies that do not have mining equipment but can provide local revenue (PAD) to the Jember Regency Government of up to Rp. 1 billion per year because their land management rights are sold to other companies, but there are also those that provide PAD of only Rp. 6 million per year.

"Today we will revoke the land management rights of 10 companies from 18 companies that exploit limestone mines in Gunung Sadeng, Grenden Village, Puger District which are assets of the Jember Regency Government," he said.

He asked 10 entrepreneurs to stop all mining activities at Gunung Sadeng Jember, after the letter of revocation of land management rights was issued.

The names of the companies that will be revoked the management rights of the limestone mines in Gunung Sadeng are CV Guna Abadi covering an area of 14.5 hectares; CV Formitra Jaya covering an area of 4.18 ha; CV Susanti Megah Perkasa covering an area of 5 ha; CV Mada Karya covering an area of 6.7 ha; CV Karya Nusantara covering an area of 5.19 ha.

Then CV Dwi Joyo Utomo covering an area of 9.61 ha; CV Indolime Prima Utama covering an area of 4.6 ha; PT Ihsan Tunggal Jaya covering an area of 4.43 ha; PT. Mahera Jaya covering an area of 6.8 ha and PT Kurnia Alam Perkasa covering an area of 9.68 ha.