If A PCNU Is Involved In Practical Politics, Don't Be Surprised If Gus Yahya Suddenly Freezes

JAKARTA - For the umpteenth time, the General Chairperson of PBNU Yahya Cholil Staquf reminded NU cadres, especially NU officials, not to get involved or stay away from practical politics ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election.

His party did not hesitate to give strict sanctions with a written warning first and then if there are administrators who violate the rules.

"Immediately we issued the written warning letter stage one, repeated the written letter stage two, repeated again frozen. Anyway, it's not allowed," said the man who is familiarly called Gus Yahya during a visit to the Kediri Regency PCNU Office, last Sunday, March 6 last night.

PBNU once summoned the heads of PCNU in Banyuwangi and Sidoarjo districts, who were suspected of being involved in practical politics to support presidential candidates.

The chairman of PCNU Banyuwangi was summoned after PBNU received a report on the political agenda of the 2024 Presidential Election which allegedly involved the Banyuwangi PCNU. There was even an activity held at the PCNU Banyuwangi office on Wednesday (19/1) by inviting one of the presidential candidates.

Meanwhile, to summon the Sidoarjo PCNU from the activity report initiated by the Sidoarjo PKB DPC and involving all MWCNU in Sidoarjo Regency.

For this reason, the Chairs of PCNU Banyuwangi and Sidoarjo were asked to immediately provide written and complete reports for the next two PCNU Chairs were asked to submit directly to the General Chairperson of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf at the PBNU office.

In addition to socializing his firm stance not to get involved in practical politics, Kiai Yahya also socialized the program after the NU Congress was over.

"Two months after the congress, PBNU has succeeded in getting a very significant work agenda, so God willing, its execution will keep us busy for the next five years," he said.

He said the prepared program covers various things, for example the development of fishing villages that reach 90 points throughout Indonesia, then the use of social forests throughout Indonesia up to 5 thousand hectares and various other programs.

His party also said that PBNU also has a program to print 10 thousand wirasantri. They are not only given training but are educated to become entrepreneurs.

The event was also attended by a number of PCNU administrators from around Kediri, namely the City of Kediri and other regions. The event also took place under strict health protocols.

A number of other PBNU administrators were also present, including KH Anwar Iskandar who is also the caretaker of the Al Amin Ngasinan Islamic Boarding School, Kediri City.