2 Elephants Trapped In Rawa Inhu Riau, Still Efforts To Evacuate BKSDA

PEKANBARU - The Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) is trying to save two wild Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) who were trapped in a peat swamp when they entered a community's oil palm plantation in the Beringin River area, Rengat District, Indragiri Hulu (Inhu) Regency.

Head of the Technical Division of the Riau Natural Resources Conservation Center (BBKSDA) M. Mahfud said his party had been trying to get the elephants out of the area.

The peat swamp contains a lot of water due to heavy rains in the last few days in the area.

However, after the large mammals were freed from the swamp, they were again herded by some people so that these elephants could not get out of the area around the peat swamp.

"The two male elephants previously left the group. In fact, they always passed through the national park area. So they always went in and out of the Jambi and Riau areas," said Mahfud, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 7.

Until now BBKSDA is planning for the two elephants to get out of the peat swamp and return to their herd.

"Actually they are still in their roaming area but because they are trapped between two villages that have peat swamps. Later we will try to get out, whether by using a tame elephant. But later, after we study further. " he continued.

Mahfud hoped that when the elephants managed to get out and were herded, it was hoped that the people whose areas the elephants passed by would no longer lead them.

"Later, friends in the field will provide socialization so that the community can provide space for elephants to get out of their territory," he said.

According to Mahfud, due to the difficulty of getting out of the area, the elephants from the Serangge elephant pouch may be relocated to the Jambi area or will settle in Riau.

"Actually, we have previously relocated but returned to the original place," he said.