PPI Member ID Food Continually Completes The 5th Phase Of Stunting Alleviation Program In NTB

JAKARTA - PPI Member ID Food continuously implements a stunting prevalence reduction program by providing periodic assistance in the form of staple foods to meet maternal and child nutrition in the form of formula milk, biscuits, chicken meat, green beans, rice, chicken eggs, and sugar, in the region NTB as a form of the Company's CSR program.

Based on the high prevalence of stunting in the West Lombok area, this routine assistance is distributed every month for one year to see and measure the progress of the program's success as a form of reducing stunting rates.

"In measuring the success of this program, we continue to monitor the assistance provided so that it is right on target, by appointing special officers to monitor the health of mothers and children, as well as continuing to educate the importance of paying attention to the food consumed for the health of the growth of infants and toddlers as well as the health of mothers who are currently undergoing treatment. pregnant and breastfeeding," explained Solihin, Acting. Branch Manager of PPI Mataram Branch in his statement, Monday, March 7th.

The program which started in the fourth quarter of 2021 and has been going on until now is running well based on monthly distribution reports. This is also accompanied by the synergy that exists with the Labuapi Health Center in West Lombok and the PPI Mataram Branch as controllers.

More than 150 children are routinely provided with assistance by the PPI and their health is monitored through the local Puskesmas. Up to the fifth stage of this program, PPI has distributed assistance of almost Rp. 500 million.

The program, which aims to support the government in accelerating the stunting reduction process, is one of PPI's focuses in responding to the government's challenge to create a superior generation that is free of stunting. PPI hopes that this program can produce good and useful outputs for the people of the NTB area to eradicate stunting.

Noverita Anggraeni, Head of Corporate Secretary of PPI, said that her party's TJSL focus in 2022 was designed to prioritize beneficiaries related to the company's main ecosystem and the direction of transformation as well as superior corporate strategic programs.

"So it is hoped that it will result in creating shared, directed according to the corporate roadmap, measurable impacts and of course accountability according to governance," he said.

Noverita further conveyed that increasing the capability of coffee farmers to be of global quality, operating food stalls and training programs for SMEs to go export will further be the concern of PPI Member ID Food.