Surgical Communication Expert 3 Factors That Make Puan Maharani's Electability Still Low

JAKARTA - Puan Maharani's electability is difficult to penetrate the top five in various survey results. Whereas Puan Maharani has a classy position, Chair of the DPR. He has also put up billboards throughout Indonesia and diligently goes directly to the community. Political communication observer at Esa Unggul University, Jamiluddin Ritonga, assesses that Puan's low electability is due to many factors. First, it is difficult for you to integrate into the community. "Although Puan often meets the public, she remains distant. There is a gap in Puan's appearance with the people she meets," said Jamiluddin in Jakarta, Monday, March 7.

As a result, people don't really respect Ms. Jamiluddin said, the public perceives that Puan is not a person close to him, including in fighting for his aspirations.

Puan Maharani's actions during her various working visits (Photo DOK DPR)

Two, the ability to communicate with the public is very weak. In communicating, the chairman of the PDIP DPP seems not yet oriented to the target community.

"In communicating, Puan does not show empathy. As a result, she does not get sympathy from the people she meets. In fact, in communication, empathy is very necessary. Through empathy, people can judge Puan's sincerity in communicating," explained Jamiluddin.

Three, the aura of Puan Maharani's leadership is also lacking. Thus, Puan's interest in the eyes of the public is very low. This makes Puan's popularity relatively high, but her electability remains low.

"Those three factors make the selling point of Ms. Puan low. This makes it difficult to boost Ms. electability," he said.

So, added Jamiluddin, as long as the three factors have not been addressed, the installation of billboards and direct delivery to the public will not increase Puan's electability. "All political communication approaches will be difficult to have a significant impact in increasing the electability of Ms. Puan," he concluded.

Puan Maharani's actions during her various working visits (Photo DOK DPR)

Previously, the PRC and PPI collaborative surveys released a key opinion leader (KOL) opinion survey of presidential candidates for 2024. As a result, Puan Maharani occupies the lowest position in all presidential candidate criteria. Adi called Puan's skills 'diving' into society, which still looks stiff compared to other candidates.

"First, it's actually simple to explain, in terms of exposure quality, maybe Ms. Puan is too tight in quotation marks. Even if she makes comments, her capacity as DPR leader is always not out of the box," said Adi Prayitno in a survey release event entitled 'Perceptions of Key Opinion Leaders' (KOL) against the 2024 presidential candidate in Central Jakarta, Sunday, March 6.

"Slightly different from the 10 figures, he often displays a personality quality that is out of the box, which is not only related to his position as a public official in this country," he continued. The PRC and PPI surveys were held from January 5 to February 5 2022 uses a qualitative study. There were 207 influential figures in their fields (KOL) who were interviewed face-to-face.

Hundreds of figures spread across 34 provinces consist of 6 backgrounds, which include academics, religious leaders, cultural experts, media practitioners, economic actors, and NGO activists.

The aspects surveyed are visionary, political leadership, intellectuality, political skills, political communication skills, emotional stability, leadership style, religiosity and nationalism, appearance, moral integrity, and capability.