Bogor City 2024 Election Budget Rp. 59 Billion, Bima Arya Ensures It Will Be Available

BOGOR - Bogor Mayor Bima Arya Sugiarto has prepared a local 2024 General Election (Election) budget of IDR 59 billion. He ensured that the amount that had been proposed by the General Elections Commission (KPU) would be available.

"Yes, it will probably be budgeted in stages, through a reserve fund every year so that it will be sufficient later," said Bima in Bogor City, West Java, Saturday, March 5, quoted from Antara.

The PAN politician said that as mayor, it was his duty to ensure the budgeting of the general election, which was a democratic party for the people. Not only budgeting, he will also oversee the stages carried out by the KPU, including the replacement of its commissioners.

"There will also be another election for the KPU commissioner, some of the personnel are about to finish their term of service. We have to guard all of that," he said.

Bima, who will complete his task in 2023, will still plan the budget until the political year in 2024.

Previously, the Chairperson of the Bogor City KPU, Samsudin, had held an audience with the Bogor City Government regarding the readiness of the budget and the submission of a series of stages up to the D-Day of voting on Tuesday, March 1.

The implementation budget, said Samsudin, will be with the Bogor City KPU as a user with a submission of Rp. 59 billion. Meanwhile, the supervision budget is still waiting from the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), as well as the security budget waiting for the TNI/Polri.

"Probably around Rp. 100 billion for the implementation, supervision and security of elections in 2024. The financing scheme can be budgeted purely in 2023 as much as Rp. 100 billion or the Regional Regulation on Reserve Funds, which is divided into several terms or a saving system," he said.

He said, in 2022, there are many important stages that must be passed, namely the registration of political parties participating in the election, factual verification and verification of the administration of political parties, determination of political parties participating in the election, electoral districts (Dapil), division of electoral districts, then the next process for legislative candidates. in 2023.