Dead Sperm Whale Stranded In SBT Maluku

AMBON - A sperm whale stranded on the island of East Seram (SBT), Maluku in a dead state with wounds to the mouth and fins.

"The marine mammal was found dead and with injuries to its mouth and fins," said Wilker Bula, Fisheries Supervisor for Ambon PSDKP Station, Yochni Anwar Idrus, quoted by Antara, Saturday, March 5.

After being identified the sperm whale or Physeter macrocephalus, has a length of 9.40 meters and a width of 1.97 meters. It was suspected that he had been stranded four days earlier.

"This protected animal died and was slashed by local residents," said Wilker.

Wilker admitted that it was difficult for them to bury the whale carcass, because heavy equipment had difficulty entering the location. Officers chose to pull the carcass away from residential areas and hoped it would decompose on its own.

"It was difficult to bury it. Finally, it was decided that we should try to pull it back a little so that it was a little further about eight kilos from the community settlement for us to tie there. Maybe in the future it will be unraveled," he said.

Wilker appealed to residents not to hunt the whale, because the whale is a protected animal

To note, the Sperm Whale, Coteklema or Box Head Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is the largest animal in the toothed whale group as well as the largest toothed animal in the world.

This whale is named for the milky white material of spermaceti on its head, and was initially mistaken for sperm. Whales are also animals that must be protected.