There Are Still Many Who Want To See Sharon Stone's Breasts Even Though She Is Already 62 Years Old

JAKARTA - Basic Instinct star, Sharon Stone emphasized that she never considered herself a sex symbol. However, believing in the ability to explore the dark side and not being afraid of himself in the film is what makes people attracted to him.

"People still want to see my breasts. I'm 62! It's like, 'Really? Give me a break!' ... I mean, I never thought I was that sexy, "said Sharon as quoted by Female First, Thursday, September 17.

"When I played Basic Instinct, I explored my dark side and made friends with my dark side. I didn't have to be afraid of myself. I guess people thought it was sexy."

Sharon went on to admit that she found it difficult to remove herself from her sex symbol status because everyone expected that from her.

Speaking at the new issue of Town and Country magazine, he added: "It's tough, because everyone expects you to be that (sex symbol) all the time.

"It's also really hard for Marilyn Monroe. She's making really important films, like Bus Stop, The Misfits, but she's still not completely out of it (the sex symbol stigma). It's really hard to shake."

Sharon previously revealed that according to her, the man "ran away" from her because of her sex symbol status.

"Wish more men approached me. (But) they just stay away. People believe stories that I'm a sex symbol but I'm not really like that. I'm a real girl in baggy clothes and book bags. People afraid of me. "

Sharon jokes that the only male attention she receives is from her three adopted sons - Roan (15), Laird (10), and nine-year-old Quinn.

She shared: "They're at the age where they start to be little men. So they start carrying my bag to the car and opening the door for me. And they leave notes on my steering wheel like, 'Have a nice day at work.' They it was great and made me feel beautiful. "