BNPT Classifies Five Radical Lecturer Indicators

JAKARTA - The Director of Prevention of the National Counter-Terrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Ahmad Nurwakhid said President Jokowi's statement regarding radical preachers was a strong warning to increase national awareness.

President Jokowi's statement at the TNI-Polri Leadership Meeting, at TNI Headquarters, Jakarta, last Tuesday, February 1, must be taken seriously by all ministries, government institutions, and the public in general about the dangers of radicalism.

"From the start we (BNPT, ed) have emphasized that the issue of radicalism must be a concern from an early age, because radicalism is actually an understanding that animates acts of terrorism. Radicalism is a staged process towards terrorism that always manipulates and politicizes religion," said Ahmad as quoted by Antara. , Saturday March 5th.

Meanwhile, to find out the radical preachers, Nurwakhid outlined several indicators that could be seen from the content of the material presented, not the appearance of the lecturer.

At least, according to Nurwakhid, there are five indicators. First, teach teachings that are anti-Pancasila and pro-transnational caliphate ideology. Second, teach takfiri understanding which disbelieves in other parties who have different understandings or different religions.

Third, instilling an anti-leader attitude or legitimate government, with an attitude of hatred and building public distrust of the government and the state through slanderous propaganda, fighting sheep, hate speech, and spreading hoaxes.

Fourth, have an exclusive attitude towards the environment and change as well as intolerance to differences and diversity (plurality). Fifth, usually have anti-cultural or anti-religious local views.

"Recognizing the characteristics of the lecturers should not be stuck on appearance, but the content of the lectures and their perspective in viewing religious issues which are always clashed with national, cultural, and diversity insights," he also said.

In line with that, Nurwakhid also emphasized that the radicalism group's strategy was aimed at destroying Indonesia through various strategies that instill doctrine and narratives into the community.

"There are three strategies carried out by radicalism groups. First, it obscures, disappears and even misleads the nation's history. Second, destroying the culture and local wisdom of the Indonesian people. Third, pitting the nation's children against the views of intolerance and the issue of SARA (Ethnicity, Religion, Race, and Intergroup)," said Nurwakhid.

This strategy is carried out by politicizing religion which is used to clash religion with nationalism and religion with the noble culture of the nation. The planting process is carried out massively in various sectors of people's lives, including through the radical preacher.

"This is what must be our collective vigilance and from the beginning to stop the spread of radicalism infiltration, one of which is not to choose to invite radical preachers to public religious education spaces," he said again.