Suspects Of The PEN Fund Hoax Must Report To The NTB Police

MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Regional Police Cyber Investigator has implemented a mandatory report to the Chairperson of the Multipurpose Cooperative (KSU) Rinjani, with the initials SS, who is a suspect in the alleged case of spreading hoaxes about the existence of government assistance for the community from funds of Rp. 2 trillion for the National Economic Recovery Program (PEN). ).

"Suspects are required to report every Monday and Thursday to investigators," said Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, quoted by Antara, Friday, March 4.

The investigator's consideration of implementing mandatory reporting, explained Artanto, was due to the suspect's cooperative attitude during the legal process.

"Another reason is that the suspect is currently filing a civil lawsuit to the Mataram District Court," he said.

Regarding the progress of the investigation, Artanto said that investigators were currently trying to complete the suspect's case file. The examination of witnesses, experts, suspects and documents for the completeness of the evidence is still in the final stage.

"Obviously when it's finished, the file will be immediately transferred to the prosecutor for investigation," he said.

The suspect SS in the "YouTube" content entitled "KSU Rinjani Press Conference", allegedly accused the government of hiding the distribution of PEN funds to the public.

This then became the motive for SS to mention that the KSU Rinjani distribution program, which promised assistance of three cows with a budget of Rp. 100 million for each member, was hampered.

The post, which allegedly caused a reaction from a number of members of KSU Rinjani, staged a demonstration to the NTB Provincial Government, demanding that the three cows program from the PEN funds be distributed immediately.

In this matter, Artanto confirmed that at the investigation stage, the cyber team had asked the government for clarification.

From the clarification of the investigation team, the government stated that there was no such program or budget, either from the center or the regions.

Artanto said that the clarification statement from the government had been strengthened by examining data and current and future programs.

In addition to the evidence from the clarification, the determination of SS as a suspect was also strengthened by statements from experts in the field of language as well as information and electronic transactions.