Raise The Theme Of Planet, People, Profit, Kemenparekraf Returns To Gather Culinary Startups

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy / Agency for Tourism and Creative Economy presents FoodStartup Indonesia (FSI) 2022. This program is a business development for the culinary sector, especially for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in order to increase capacity and expand access to financing.

Deputy for Industry and Investment at the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Fadjar Hutomo, revealed that FSI 2022 carries the theme "Planet, People, Profit" which are three important things that must be considered, especially in supporting the presence of sustainable development goals.

Later, FSI 2022 will connect startup entrepreneurs in the culinary field with an integrated ecosystem. This ecosystem refers to a culinary creative economy network, namely the government, business mentors, capital, suppliers, investors, to marketing. So that it is expected to support the revival of the economy by opening up more job opportunities.

Fadjar said, FSI 2022 is looking for a culinary business that inspires and develops with a balance orientation between sustainability, social impact, and profitability.

"We need to be concerned with these three things which are often referred to as the triple bottom line. Profit, startups as a business entity, inevitably one of them must pay attention to the profit aspect to be able to have economic sustainability," he said in a written statement, quoted Friday, March 4th.

Culinary as one of the three largest sub-sectors in the creative economy is an inclusive sector. This means that the culinary sector is open to anyone who really wants or is interested in entering the culinary industry or business. However, even though it is easy, culinary business also has tremendous potential barrier.

"You have to be creative, innovative, always pay close attention to the business cycle. Here the relationship between profit and people must be strong," said Fadjar.

Meanwhile, in terms of people and planet, business actors must always pay attention to cultural issues. Or in other words local wisdom and local resources. The culinary business must still be able to maintain environmental sustainability.

So is the relationship between profit and the planet. Culinary business actors in production must be able to pay attention to responsible production or sustainable production.

"This has a task, there is a burden, there is a moral responsibility for all of us as drivers of the culinary creative economy in Indonesia to also be concerned. This is what we must pay attention to, so it is very appropriate and I am very happy that this year FSI carries the theme of profit, people and planet. ," he said.

Moreover, said Fadjar, the highlight of the 2022 FSI Demoday event will be held side by side with the 2022 AVPN Global Conference which is part or a side event of the G20 Indonesia Presidency.

"The Asia Venture Philanthropy Network is a collection of philanthropists who are concerned with sustainability issues. For example reducing poverty, gender equality, the disabled, then also creating the environment or ensuring that the environment we live in is suitable for us and future generations," he said.

Fadjar assessed that FSI 2022 should be able to become a momentum and become a forum or ecosystem that is beneficial for culinary business actors.

"Hopefully what we do, our efforts will bring the greatest blessings and benefits. Especially in the context of Indonesia's economic recovery. Let's work hand in hand to make Indonesia stronger, Indonesia grows. In accordance with the spirit of the G20, recover stronger, recover together," said Fadjar .