BRI Credit Disbursement To New And Renewable Energy Sector Reaches IDR 5.6 Trillion

JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk (BRI) reports that financing for the renewable energy sector has reached a value of IDR 5.6 trillion by the end of December 2021.

Director of Compliance BRI A. Solichin Lutfiyanto said the achievement during the year rose 19.1 percent compared to the book in 2020 which amounted to Rp. 4.7 trillion.

"The company is committed to continuing to increase the portion of financing to this sector," he said, in an official statement quoted Friday, March 4.

According to Solichin, the company has consistently disbursed credit through the Poso Energy Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) amounting to 35 million US dollars and Kerinci Merangin at 10 million US dollars. He said, the two projects are strategic enough to support government policies that are increasingly aggressive on the issue of EBT.

"In addition, hydropower is also a source of energy whose supply is maintained (sustained), produces electricity with low carbon emissions, relatively low maintenance costs and at the same time this activity is in line with sustainable business activities," he said.

Furthermore, Solichin said that BRI continues to strive to improve economic performance and optimize profits by improving social performance and increasing environmental awareness.

"We will continue to develop a comprehensive strategy for growth this year," he stressed.

For information, this financial service institution coded as the issuer of BBRI is known to have decided to distribute dividends of 85 percent of the net profit obtained in 2021. This portion is equivalent to Rp. 26.4 trillion. Meanwhile, the remaining 15 percent of net profit was also used for retained earnings, which amounted to Rp4.65 trillion.

"The distribution of BRI credit to the Renewable Energy sector is in line with the G20 Indonesia 2022 Presidency which carries the theme Recover Together, Recover Stronger, in order to encourage inclusive, people-centered, environmentally friendly and sustainable growth in Indonesia," concluded Solichin.