KPK Ensures Not Only Imprisoning Corruption Perpetrators

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) asserts that it will not only imprison corruptors but will also deter them in other ways. One of them, by seizing their assets that come from the proceeds of corruption.

This step is considered a form of deterrence as well as an effort to recover state losses after being corrupted by irresponsible people.

"In the future, the KPK will not only imprison the perpetrators of corruption but will also focus more on how to recover assets resulting from corruption so that they can return to the state as part of the deterrent effect," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement Sector Ali Fikri in a written statement quoted Friday, March 4.

Ali said there were a number of efforts made by the KPK to pursue asset recovery from corruptors. One of them is by optimizing the role of the Asset Tracing unit at the Directorate of Evidence Management and Execution as well as other units.

"Efforts are being made through optimizing the role of the Asset Tracing unit at the Directorate of Evidence Management and Execution/Labuksi as well as the Forensic Accounting unit at the Directorate of Corruption Detection and Analysis in supporting work from the investigation process as well as investigation and prosecution to the trial of corruption cases," he explained. It is hoped that in the future corruptors can be deterred. Furthermore, ex-corruptors who have experienced the cold of prison and confiscation of assets can share their experiences as an anti-corruption message.

"We hope that the former corruption convicts can also convey a message to the entire community that the deterrent effect of punishment due to corruption is real," said Ali.

"It doesn't only have an impact on yourself as the perpetrator, but also of course on your family, relatives, and the surrounding environment," he concluded.